Sunday, December 18, 2011

Burrell the Squirrel, Ted the Gnome and Grog the Frog

Yes indeed the squirrel teamed up with the frog, whose name was Grog.  The squirrel didn’t have a name because squirrels don’t have names, so Grog the frog called him Burrell the Squirrel because frogs like things to rhyme, especially Grog the Frog, and they’re not terribly original.  Not like the gnomes, who had all sorts of weird names like Ted and Fred and Frank.  There were no women.  Unlike dwarves, however, gnomes do not sprout out of the ground.  No, they fall from the sky and those who do not break upon impact are considered the lucky ones.  Now Burrell the Squirrel had a long lasting feud with Ted the gnome, but Ted was much smarter than Burrell for Burrell had run in front of the wrong car a couple summers ago.  After that he was never quite the same;  there were times that he thought he was a chicken with his head cut off.  That annoyed everyone the most.  However, they liked it when he thought he was a chipmunk because he’d tell funny jokes ‘cause everyone knows chipmunks are the funniest creatures on earth.  Grog the frog was smarter because he stayed away from cars, although he did jump on the windshield of one once, though he’d mistakenly eaten some bad mushrooms and thought the car was a giant lily pad.  It was not, it turned out, but the ride had been truly exhilarating.  Grog the frog’s plan was to trap Ted the gnome in a pile of melted peanut butter and marshmallow cream because he, unlike Burrell the squirrel, knew that gnomes loved melted peanut butter and marshmallow cream.  To Grog the frog’s delight, the ploy worked and soon they had Ted the gnome trapped in the peanut butter and marshmallow pile.  It didn’t work out too well for this was a time when Burrell the squirrel believed that he was a gnome named Geoffrey and claimed to have fought in the Fourth Crusade and well we all know how competent those Fourth Crusaders were.  Needless to say, Ted the gnome got away again, Grog the frog got mad and Burrell the squirrel now thinks he’s Clovis.  He’s hosting a party tonight, all relatives are invited.

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